Calculate Poker Odds in real-time for Free

CalculatemPro is a software that helps the poker / texas hold’em player to calculate poker odds in real-time, thereby helping to increase the likelihood of wining!

Texas Calculatem is the most widespread real-time online odds-calculator. The software supports +100 rooms. It is updated daily and has several special features!

What does it do?

Using Calculatem Pro is simple. Just drag and drop the application onto your web browser with your poker loaded room and you’re playing with the Pro!

Calculatem Pro will automatically read your cards as well as the other cards in play allowing you to focus on playing the game.

Sleek interface makes it simple to understand and see your odds as well as understand the best play to make.

Maximize your winning potential by having access to every imaginable odd including your hand odds, odds on river, odds on next card, pot odds and even showdown percentages.

Pesonalize Calculatem Pro to recommend from either a tight or loose playing style both Pre-Flop and Post-Flop. This is a great, and easy, way to change up your playing style and prevent opponents from seeing any tells.

Spot opponent tells more quickly since you’ll instantly have the odds and advice allowing you to focus on the game at hand.

All this and much more, CalculatemPro has many more great features and will help you improve your skills as a poker / Texas Hold’em player.

Curious? Learn more by visiting …

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